Reflective Practice

  • Reflective Practice

    Reflective Models

    Introduction In the realm of education and psychology, various models attempt to capture the intricate process of learning. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory, Boud’s Reflection Model, and Graham Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle offer distinct perspectives on how individuals absorb and internalize knowledge. The purpose of this blog post is to compare and contrast each model, and to ultimately conclude that Graham Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle is the best model for me. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory As a theory developed in the 1970s, David A. Kolb asserts that learning is a continuous process involving four phases: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Although Kolb’s model emphasizes both thinking and doing as…

  • Reflective Practice

    Online Research Sources​

    INTRODUCTION There are few creators who capture the essence of adventure and creativity as masterfully as Sam Kolder does in visual storytelling. Sam Kolder is a renowned designer, videographer, and storyteller. In this blog post, I explore the magic behind his cinematic creations and learn the lessons he can teach us. Who is Sam Kolder? A Canadian filmmaker and social media sensation, born on the 3rd of February 1996, Sam Kolder has built a reputation for his captivating travel videos and innovative editing techniques, which have made him one of the most prominent people in the world of content creation. Famous For In his travel videos, Kolder transcends traditional filmmaking…

  • Reflective Practice

    Learning Plans

    Overall Objectives In the forthcoming year, I endeavor to discern areas warranting improvement in my skill set, specifically concentrating on the nuances of emerging design trends and proficiency in contemporary software tools. Additionally, my strategic priority involves the meticulous curation of a robust online portfolio, poised to exhibit the paramount examples of my academic journey’s accomplishments. I am committed to dedicating my time to the advanced development of skills in UI/UX and acquiring proficiency in advanced software applications. My strategic approach involves continuous expansion of my portfolio through the incorporation of diverse projects, encompassing areas such as Motion Graphics and Print Design. This deliberate effort is aimed at showcasing the…